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December 2011 Community Newsletter

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The Urantia Book Fellowship

22 de diciembre de 2011 00:11
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The Urantia Book Fellowship

Community Newsletter                       December 2011

Happy Holidays
In This Issue
We Need You!
Second Miler Salute
Biography of Lena Sadler
OutReach Opportunities
Outreach in Ghana
2012 Retreat
New Software Tool
Quick Links...



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New Cover 
Congratulations to Gary Tonge for submitting the winning entry in the The Uversa Press Committee's cover contest. Our fourth printing of The Urantia Book, projected to be available in Summer 2012, will feature the Standard Reference Text and Tonge's beautifully inspiring cover art.  A special thank you to John Hay, Chair
 of Uversa Press and his committee, Paula Thompson, and Don Greene, for seeing this project to fruition.

click here to see a larger image





   John Hales 




Secretary General




Judicial Chair


Membership Chair


Interfaith Chair
   Susan Cook 


Outreach Chair


International Chair


Education Chair
   Lila Dogim 


Publications Chair


Finance Chair
   John Hay 


Youth and Young Adult Chair
   Anthony Finstad 

General Council  
Lara Amyx
Andrea Barnes
Larry Bowman 
Robert Bruyn
Robert Burns
Avi Dogim
Stephen Dreier
Janet Falbo
Tony Finstad
Cece Forrester
Janet Graham
Tim Hobbs
Merritt Horn
Jack Kane 
Al Lockett
Charlene Morrow
Dolores Nice
Charles Olivea
Thomas Orjala
Phillip Taylor
Jo Ann Wiedman




Click Here to Link to "Friends of the Urantia Book Fellowship" Facebook Page. 

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Michelle Klimesh

122:9.5  Rejoice in the tender mercy of our God because the dayspring from on high has now visited us to shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death;
To guide our feet into ways of peace.

A special benefit of being part of the Urantia community of believers is that we can celebrate the birth of Jesus twice a year; in August with each other, and again in December with the rest of the Christmas revelers. In honor of this season of gift giving, I share a perspective on two of Jesus' life-changing gifts.

126:3.5  Family responsibility had quite effectively removed all thought of immediately carrying out any plan for responding to the Jerusalem visitation directing him to "be about his Father's business." Jesus rightly reasons that the watchcare of his earthly father's family must take precedence of all duties; that the support of his family must become his first obligation.
I discovered The Urantia Book in the early seventies, when feminism was teaching us that stay-at-home motherhood was a quaint notion from the past. I hadn't started my family yet, but I understood that the story of Jesus' family life contradicted the prevailing culture. In our world, parents were supposed to choose an exciting career while the kids went off to day care.

Yet Michael himself set universe affairs aside to raise his family.

What job could I ever choose that was more important than being sovereign of Nebadon? It was a no-brainer. Once I started raising two daughters, the example Jesus set made a huge impact on my balance between family and work. So the first gift I give thanks for today, is the fact that I understood the crucial importance of raising children while I was raising them.

By the beginning of this year Jesus had fully won his mother to the acceptance of his methods of child training-the positive injunction to do good in the place of the older Jewish method of forbidding to do evil. In his home and throughout his public-teaching career Jesus invariably employed the positive form of exhortation. Always and everywhere did he say, "You shall do this-you ought to do that." Never did he employ the negative mode of teaching derived from the ancient taboos.

The second gift I want to give thanks for is that through the revelation, I was able to witness Jesus' style of parenting: teaching from the positive, holding family meetings, worshiping in nature, engaging in fair discipline. These two gifts have changed my life, the lives of my daughters, and even the lives of my grandchildren.

Happy holidays!  JOY to you and your families!

Michelle Klimesh
Will you consider supporting our work?
Gary_TongeWe count it a blessing to be here today, 'quivering on the brink' with this revelation, just ready and waiting to emerge, to reach out and touch the lives of millions upon millions of souls, some as yet to be born here on this lowly world. What an honor, a forever unique experience and blessing it is for us to be here now at the very beginning of the first ever revelation in our entire universe to be given in book form. Talk about a challenge, a responsibility, a true exercise in faith and action combined! While it's true that tough economic conditions have left us all dipping into reserves to make ends meet, by the same token, it is in tough times like these that people seek deeper meaning and faith. More and more people are becoming interested in The Urantia Book and we must rise to the occasion, even if it means further taxing our limited resources, because we are called to act now as never before. The work involved in the worldwide dissemination of The Urantia Book is overwhelming at times, but the support of our friends encourages us to persevere and becomes the wind in our sails.

You can make a secure onetime contribution online at our website, or perhaps consider giving a 'gift that keeps on giving' by agreeing to make an affordable monthly donation (auto-debit donation) that is automatically deducted from your bank account. As always, we'll send a deluxe leather Urantia Book to all new monthly auto-debit donors who pledge to make at least a $20.00 monthly donation or a onetime equivalent.

If you aren't able to donate right now, perhaps you would like to volunteer some time to work on one of our exciting projects. Our Volunteer Coordinator is Andrea Barnes and she would love to connect with you at You can also contact our staff, Paula or Jo Ann, at Fellowship headquarters by calling 303-467-7858.

Here are some of the projects we'll be working on in 2012: Campus outreach and other young reader initiatives via our new Youth and Young Adult standing committee; Online audio translations of the Urantia Book; The 4th printing of the Uversa Press Urantia Book that incorporates the new Standard Reference Text (our mutual text agreement with Urantia Foundation) and features a comprehensive index and new cover design; Regional Interfaith Conferences; The Pipeline of Light which sends free UBs around the world in all available languages; The 2012 Summer Study Session at Techny Towers (north of Chicago); Progressive dissemination projects like RUN (Reach Urantia Now) and outreach to the Emergent Christian movement; A complete redesign of our website, database and online storefront.

The good ship, Urantia, has moved out of her safe harbor, out onto the open seas of her future destiny. Welcome aboard!

John Hay, Robert Burns, Don Green, Christilyn Biek-Larson - Finance Committee 


A 'Second Miler' Salute 

Susan Cook
Susan Cook is the Chair of the Fellowship's Interfaith Committee. For the last two years she has been devoted to a project that has changed her life. She is working to end the despicable sex trafficking of female minors by producing a documentary film called "Hope Road."

In her efforts, Susan has identified key people in communities throughout the United States who are working to solve this crisis. Atlanta, for instance, is the only city that has a comprehensive program to address the problem: A Future Not a Past. These young women are rescued by a beautiful web of rehabilitation services, including medical and social services, education and safe houses in peaceful settings. Atlanta has given Susan and her crew complete access to film judges, prosecutors, doctors, teachers, and creators of this program to show exactly what it takes to actually help these children. 

While Atlanta is helping young victims, Veronica's Voice in Kansas City is working to help the adult women who were exploited in this way and are now dealing with the devastating consequences. Most were exploited prior to the age of 18 and were used, abused and abandoned when their earning power diminished. Susan says, "What Veronica's Voice does to help these women is mesmerizing and will be in the film. I've been there and have fallen in love with them." They have given Susan's crew access to film the resilient survivors and heroic women who are dedicated to helping them.

Susan believes that Hope Road will expose this devastating problem and bring attention and resources to its solution. A nonprofit film company was established to make this film. Its mission is educating and inspiring professionals to help victims and end these terrible crimes against women. Hope Road utilizes the skills of Emmy and Grammy award winning producers and directors as well as talented videographers who will not only expose the problem but also reveal the solution! To view the film makers credentials and the trailer click here:
. Incidentally, this film was requested by women who work in law enforcement (FBI) to be used as a professional training tool.

To help and learn more click here:

Many thanks and a 'second miler' salute goes out to Susan & Little Wolf Productions for their loving service!



Lena C. Sadler, 1875 - 1939, was a physician, surgeon, obstetrician, lecturer and author, a leader in women's health issues. Before studying medicine, she was a public school teacher and afterwards a trained nurse. For twenty years Lena and her husband, Dr. William Sadler, worked in rescue mission work for the Seventh-day Adventist Missions in Chicago and San Francisco. Lena concentrated on ministering to women detained in the Chicago jails. Later in life Lena became a leading activist who lectured and diligently worked toward recognizing the contributions of women as Lena Sadlerprofessionals in the medical and scientific fields. She was an associate professor of Physiologic Therapeutics in The Post Graduate Medical School of Chicago, an associate director of the Chicago Institute of Physiologic Therapeutics, a fellow of the American Medical Association, and a specialist in diseases of women and children. 

Most Urantians know "Dr. Lena" only as the wife of Dr. William Sadler. But she was much more than that. Dr. Lena was a protagonist at virtually every critical turning point in the revelatory process. Many Urantian historians believe she was a destiny reservist who, generally behind the scenes, inspired, drove and motivated her husband and the other humans involved in receiving the revelation. We are told in the Urantia Papers that "... reservists of destiny have seldom been emblazoned on the pages of human history ..." on our planet. And so it was with Dr. Lena Sadler. 
● It was Dr. Lena Sadler who initiated the first contact. After several sessions with the sleeping subject in which he was unresponsive to physical stimulation. "Lena Sadler noticed the subject was moistening his lips. 'Perhaps he wants to say something. Perhaps we should ask a question,' she said. 'How are you feeling?' To the great astonishment of everyone, the subject spoke!" [From A History of the Urantia Papers.] 
● It was Dr. Lena Sadler who, in 1923, organized the thirty individuals for a Sunday afternoon discussion group which soon became the "Forum."  
● It was Dr. Lena Sadler who took the initial notes regarding the information provided by the pre-Urantia Papers contacts (beginning circa 1906), and read them to the Sunday group in late 1924. 
● It was Dr. Lena Sadler who concluded that the phenomenon they were experiencing was authentic, and came to believe in the revelation long before Dr. William Sadler. 
● It was Dr. Lena Sadler who urged her husband William to continue with the process after his interest began to decline.  
● It was Dr. Lena Sadler who raised the initial $20,000 toward the publication fund of the Urantia Book.  
Dr. Lena died in 1939 after a long and courageous battle with breast cancer. The process of receiving the Urantia Papers was nearly completed. For about three decades, she had quietly helped propel the process.  
Even avid detractors and critics of Dr. William Sadler acknowledge his wife's noble character and spiritual fragrance. Some make the bizarre assertion that William Sadler, a successful and renowned medical doctor and psychiatrist, wrote the Urantia Papers. They offer no plausible motive. Surely Lena Sadler, also a successful and esteemed medical doctor, would never collaborate in, or even sanction, an elaborate and senseless charade.  
Lena Sadler was a great Urantian. Her significance, like many extraordinary women, has never been adequately acknowledged. For the first forty-five years of her life she could not vote because women had not yet been granted suffrage. She achieved her education and became a medical doctor when it was almost unheard of for females. Dr. Lena served humanity in the shadow of her famous husband, and when he doubted and faltered, she remained steadfast. Perhaps of all the Urantian pioneers, we owe Dr. Lena Sadler the most profound debt of gratitude.  


Worldwide OutReach Opportunities

by Paul Klaver

The Urantia Book OutReach Organization (TUBOO) is in its 3rd year of seeding donated hardcover Urantia Books into bookstores around the world. Similar to the Fellowship's program "Pipeline of Light" the object of the program is to seed Urantia Books worldwide. In 2012 we will have a working relationship with both the Foundation and the Fellowship in supporting this outreach effort with reduced purchase costs for hardcover Urantia Books.


We hope and believe this outreach project will make the job of placing Urantia Books into the hands of truth-seekers worldwide that much easier for our unseen friends. In 2010 a total of 250 books were donated and seeded. In 2011, 553 hardcover books were seeded in 91 countries. In 2012, with continued donor support, we hope to seed over 1,000 hardcover books. For each $10 donated to this project TUBOO will be able to mail one hardcover Urantia Book to a bookstore near you. Can you donate $10 to help expand the worldwide knowledge of our Heavenly Father's love?


Paul and his dog Maxx

TUBOO is also in the early stages of a 5 year plan to produce a series of 10 video animations on "The Life and Teachings of Jesus". If all goes well the first video should be released in late Jan or early Feb 2012. Tune into our sister website in early Feb to watch the video. The purpose of this project is to introduce The Urantia Book for the first time to many in the viewing audience, and perhaps more importantly, it will also provide an accurate version of the teachings of Christ Michael. This is a costly project for our small organization and help in funding it has been, and will continue to be, very much appreciated.


The 3rd outreach effort of TUBOO is with FaceBook ads. With a budget of $1800 in 2011 TUBOO was able to create an ad displaying a picture of The Urantia Book with the following caption...


"Dedicated to expanding the interest and knowledge of God by expanding the interest and knowledge of The Urantia Book."

The Facebook ad resulted in over 10 million impressions with 3300 hits on our website. In 2012 we hope to increase the budget to $5,000. Can you assist us?

TUBOO realizes the demands made by everyday living. There are numerous charities seeking to fulfill missions of giving. It's not as important which charity you support as it is you support at least one mission of giving. Charities are funded by people just like you and I.


If you believe the 5th epochal revelation is important, please help seed its worldwide dissemination. Please donate to one of our outreach programs by visiting at our website at



Thank you and have a safe and wonderful holiday this Christmas season.


Working Together
In His Service
Paul Klaver
The Urantia Book OutReach Organization  


Meditation in The Urantia Book  


by Peter Holley


[All bold words throughout indicate emphasis added by the author.]

Words Change Their Meaning

The URANTIA Book tells us that Jesus meditated - a lot! What it doesn't say is that the word "meditation" has evolved away from its original meaning during the years following the revelation's final inditing in the mid 1930s. Such evolution of words was, of course, anticipated by the revelators, who tell us that the expression of religion "must be restated every time the dictionary of human language is revised" (1). Likewise the meaning of each affected teaching needs to be renewed when necessary.


meditationThe problem with changed words is that they can give us an altered picture if we aren't careful. The fact that Jesus used and taught meditation as a means to communicate with one's Thought Adjuster makes it vitally important for us to understand what is meant, if as The URANTIA Book states on the last page, the "great challenge for modern man is to achieve better communication with the divine Monitor that dwells within the human mind."


A dictionary contemporary with the reception of the finalized Urantia Papers (as later originally published in The URANTIA Book) provides the following definition of the word "meditation":

"... close or continued thought, the turning or revolving of a subject in the mind, serious contemplation; mental reflection; often specifically, thought devoted to religious subjects." (2)


The type of "meditation" often associated with Eastern religions which requires an altered state of consciousness had not yet at that time migrated into the dictionary. It became a secondary definition of "meditation" sometime after Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda came to the West and brought about what has been called a religious revolution with the publication of his book Autobiography of a Yogi in 1946. Yet a look at a 1955 desk dictionary shows that the more intellectually passive type of meditation had not even appeared by The URANTIA Book's publication date. Neither is it included in my 1982 "College" dictionary.  Read More ->




Outreach in Ghana

The International Fellowship Committee's Ghana Team of 7 recently completed a most extensive, exciting, and far-reaching mission in Accra, Ghana; in three phases.

It began with the International Book Fair in Accra from November 1 - 6, 2011 where we had secured a double booth, and decorated it with related signs, posters, CD's, JANR's, and full Urantia Books - which we believed to be the most attractive booth there. Initially there were 5 of us: Joan Evans, Ed Harrigan, Charlene Morrow, Arlene Weimer and I.  A day later the team was completed after being joined by Tim Hobbs coming up from South Africa and a most incredibly beautiful reader (Emeka Anazodo) arriving from Nigeria. (Additionally, Sam Sifa was there to help out- some of you may have met Sam at IC11 in Salt Lake City; an enthusiastic supporter of the Revelation.)ghana friends

Our theme was: "Our load is heavy, but our burden light." We were loaded with 108 (6 cases) of the JANR (Jesus, A New Revelation) books, 30 Urantia Books, 10 sets of CD's covering most of Part IV, 1,500 spiritual vitamins, and assorted banners, posters, and handouts. (To add to the load, we carried 20 full Urantia Books from the Foundation printed in India that went with Emeka to Nigeria.) Everything was priced for the local economy - we sold the JANR's for the equivalent of about $2.00, and they sold themselves. I've said it over and over: everywhere we go we find people are hungry for information about Jesus (and this year we've been to India, South Korea, and Ecuador). They just are!! The Ghanaian people are beautiful, honest, and thirsting.

Secondly, the team agreed to organize a conference, and handed out flyers at the booth giving the information on it. It was held during the evening of the last day of the book fair, and in one of the halls that was part of the complex near the book fair. Tim efficiently created PowerPoints for all the presenters, and we were somewhat amazed that over 50 people showed up. Ed open with a prayer, and each of us did a presentation; and we left ample time at the end of questions to be answered by our panel. Emeka, with his broad knowledge of the UB was invaluable while interacting with the attendees. Most stayed well beyond that allotted conference time. 

And thirdly, about this time, Arlene came up with a brilliant idea of: "Let's have a leadership meeting and include a "practice" study group- which we did, 2 nights later. 5 great leaders emerged, including Sam Safi's son - Pastor Sammuel Okwanpah. And, they agreed to have Emeka visit them from Nigeria several times per year to help as needed.ghana

We took a day to visit some of the countryside, and began to long trek home - completely emptied of all materials related to the Revelation, but with souls full of team work and spirits filled with love.

Love & Service,
Buck Weimer

Greetings to all Brothers and Sisters of the Family of Urantia Book Readers:
lone star state
We take great joy in announcing the 2012 Lone Star Roundup Conference which will take place March 30 -- April 1, 2012, at the Briarwood Retreat Center in Argyle, Texas--located in about the center of a "triangle" connecting Dallas, Fort Worth, and Denton, Texas. Our conference theme is: "God and Man Need Each Other." The all-volunteer conference is delighted to present 5 wonderful and experienced speakers: Dr. Lawrence "Scotty" Schkade, Charlene Morrow, Jean-Pierre Heudier, and Debra and Rick Guevara. The Conference will also feature a worship celebration, reversion time, socialization, entertainment, music, and poetry.

The accommodations which we can offer to prospective attendees now include 2 cabins each with 8 semi-private single beds--each cabin having 2 baths. Meals are on site, and vegetarian and special diets can be accommodated. Registration forms will be sent to anyone who requests one or who expresses interest in attending the conference.

The non-affiliated nature of the "Lone Star Roundup Conference Association" encourages all Urantia Book readers, all persons interested in the Urantia Book, and/or their guests to attend.

So far, we have confirmed attendees hailing from California, Oklahoma, and from throughout Texas, and anyone from anywhere is welcome to attend. It may be possible to provide transportation to the conference site from the DFW airport or from Love Field, Dallas. However, we cannot guarantee this service at this time and this far ahead of the conference dates.

Expenses involved in attending the conference include:

Cabin residency: $45 per person per day = $90. (Cabins would be supplied with linens: 2 sheets, bath towel, hand towel, wash cloth, and soap.)

Six meals: $56 for the entire conference (This includes dinner Friday, 3 meals Saturday, breakfast and lunch Sunday.)

$44 for children 4-11 (Children under 4 eat free.)

Registration: $25 per attendee

NO MONEY NEED BE SENT RIGHT AWAY. Payment will be submitted with Registration Form which will be sent to all inquirers during January, 2012.

Briarwood Retreat Center670 Copper Canyon Road
Argyle, TX 76226

If you believe you would be interested in attending the conference or have questions, please contact:
David Glass

As soon as convenient--through the first half of January. Registration forms will be sent to any inquirers during the latter half of January, 2012.



Urantia Book Society of Great New York (UBSGNY) is sponsoring the development and distribution of a new software tool to aid in the discovery and study of The Urantia Book. This software, the Glossarized Urantia Book, is now available for general distribution.

Please be aware this software is available both ONLINE and OFFLINE (for local PC use without the Internet). The ONLINE version can be accessed from the Society's website at: Click the home page menu link called: 'Glossarized Urantia Book'. NOTE: This software has been certified for the following browsers: Safari (Windows and MAC), Internet Explorer (Windows).

For OFFLINE use you can download the software for local installation by clicking the 'Download' menu item within the ONLINE version. There is an FAQ/User Guide for more detail and it is recommended that you read this guide to facilitate your early experience with this new tool.

We hope you find this new software useful in your Urantia Book studies!
John Lambo, President UBSGNY 
Tom Allen sends out quotes by famous people with a comparison quote from The Urantia Book. He simply calls them COMPARE.  The quotes are always thought provoking and relevant. If you would like to subscribe to this free service to Urantia Book readers, please send Tom Allen an

Complete calm comes from complete certainty.  In today's unnerving, globalizing, sometimes terrifying world, such religious certainty is a balm more in demand than ever.
  --Andrew Sullivan (b. 1963)
"When Not Seeing is Believing,"
Time October 9, 2006 Vol.168, No. 15

During the psychologically unsettled times of the twentieth century, amid the economic upheavals, the moral crosscurrents, and the sociologic rip tides of the cyclonic transitions of a scientific era, thousands upon thousands of men and women have become humanly dislocated; they are anxious, restless, fearful, uncertain, and unsettled; as never before in the world's history they need the consolation and stabilization of sound religion. In the face of unprecedented scientific achievement and mechanical development there is spiritual stagnation and philosophic chaos.
The Urantia Book (99:4.6)


Politics just moves the pieces around on the chessboard. Religion changes lives!
--Peter Berger, (b.1929) 


The materialistic sociologist of today surveys a community, makes a report thereon, and leaves the people as he found them. Nineteen hundred years ago, unlearned Galileans surveyed Jesus giving his life as a spiritual contribution to man's inner experience and then went out and turned the whole Roman Empire upside down.
The Urantia Book (195:6.9)

We would like to hear from you!

 We welcome your contributions to this online publication.  We accept articles no more than 10 paragraphs long that deal with Urantia Book related events, ideas, outreach, gatherings, or reminders. 


Articles should be submitted to before the 22nd of every month. 




If you are interested in beginning a new study group using this medium please contact us at It's not really that difficult and there are many members who can help with the "technicals." So, we'd appreciate "opinions" on this and then let's "roll up our sleeves" and get to work making this happen!  




 will be held on March 29-April 1, 2012 at the San Geronimo Lodge in Taos, New Mexico. The price for the retreat is $265 which includes everything - three night lodging, all nine meals and the retreat fee. You can call San Geronimo Lodge at 1-800-894-4119 or at 575-751-3776 in order to make your registration directly at their spiritual retreat center. 



The International Conference 2011 plenary sessions are now online.  To view images from the Conference click this link:

To order a copy of the Conference videos click here => videos




Are you a member of The Urantia Book Fellowship?  Maybe you're not sure?  If not please contact us and we'll let you know.   Email Lenny Cowles at:


If you would like to become a member please click on this link and fill out the easy online membership form.  Your credentials will be sent to the Membership Committee for consideration.
Please join us! - click here for the online form.


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